terms & conditions


this note contains the legal terms and conditions governing the ecommerce of website www.murania.it.

utilization of the pages in the website implies acceptance of all the dispositions contained in this document.

all purchases of products made through www.murania.it are regulated by these general conditions and the other dispositions and operating instructions contained in the website. in the event of discrepancies between the aforementioned dispositions and operating instructions and the contents of the general conditions, the latter will prevail. all purchasers are invited to read these general conditions carefully.

the owner of the website www.murania.it is Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari, whose registered office is located in Dorsoduro 1859, 30123 Venice (VE), Italy, vat/and fiscal code 04709810271.
all items on sale on www.murania.it are sold, supervised and delivered by Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari, which has the right to modify the contents of the website (prices and photos, for example) at any time, without any advance notice and at its own discretion. any modifications made will be effective on the date of the communication.


these general conditions of sale regulate relations between Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari and the customer, with respect to purchases of the products made through this website. any matter not expressly regulated by these general conditions of use and sale will refer to the dispositions of the legislative decree n° 185 dated 22 May 1999 and in accordance to the applicable laws set forth in the italian civil code.

customers may purchase the products shown in the website, which are detailed illustrated in the individual product cards. in order to access our sales service, it is necessary a) to have the requirements to enter legally binding contracts; b) to be able to legally stipulate binding contracts; c) to have a valid email address; d) to have a valid certification and valid payment device.

when the seller receives the order confirmation electronically transmitted by the customer and filled in in all its parts, the contract is considered to have been stipulated. upon stipulation of the contract, the seller commits itself to supply the customer with products, under the terms and conditions of these general conditions of sale. the seller will though have the right to refuse orders from parties who do not provide sufficient guarantees of solvency. by sending the order confirmation through the website aidaform.com, the customer unconditionally accepts the dispositions contained in the general conditions of sale related to Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari. at the same time the customer commits himself to observe said dispositions and the other information contained in the website. the amount of the order will be charged to the payment device upon conclusion of the purchase.


the images in the website have the sole purpose of showing the products and usually correspond to product itself. Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari specifies that all its products are hand finished following the ancient techniques of the venetian glass masters. small irregularities, modifications in colour and dimensions unevenness are distinctive sign of a handmade product and cannot be considered as defects.

all the prices of the products are clearly indicated in the website murania.it, on the order form available on the website aidaform.com, and in the website stripe.com, through which the payment process is made and are vat exempted due to the fiscal regime which Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari benefits of.

prices do not include any additional taxes, duties or fees regulated by any applicable legislation, such as import regulations. if necessary, the customer will therefore have to pay for customs clearance and any import duty and tax (other than vat), which may be due in the country of importation.

possible unavailability of the products will be communicated at the time of the customer’s telematic purchase order request.


payment for purchases contracts stipulated through the website are made through the website stripe.com managed by stripe inc.

we do not accept payment methods not made through stripe.com unless explicitly authorised by Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari.

in case the customer proceeds with the purchase of the products, the financial data will be forwarded by stripe inc. to the reference institute. stripe inc. and the reference institute will transmit the encrypted protocol, will guarantee the confidentiality of the information, will immediately check the validity of the datas and immediately charge the overall amount for each purchasing contract .

the seller reserves the right to request at any time any additional information to the customer (i.e. fixed telephone number). at the same time the seller has the right to request the customer the delivery of the copies of the documents proving the ownership of the credit card used for the purchase. if the customer fails to send any information or additional documentation requested, the seller reserves the right to decline the order or recede from the purchase contract, communicating this to the customer at the email address indicated by herself/himself. .


the order is usually shipped within 7 business days in italy and 15 business days from the receipt of the payment.

short delays in the deliveries might be possible. this is due to the quantity of orders received. in this case orders will be shipped according to their date of arrival. shipments takes place through courier. Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari is in any case not liable for any delay due to the courier. time of delivery depends on the country.

the shipping cost are indicated in the website murania.it and/or on the order form available in the website aidaform.com and/or on the payment page in the website stripe inc. and are charged to the customer.

the ordered products will be sent to the address indicated by the customer in murania.it or aidaform.com or stripe.com websites or to the address specified in the respective order, preferably in the italian territory or european union. the customer acknowledges that the request of delivery of the products outside the italian and the european union territories are not possible unless explicitly authorised by Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari.

at the moment of delivery of the purchased product by the courier, the customer shall verify a) that the number of delivered packages coincides with the one specified in the shipping note anticipated via e-mail; b) that the packing is complete, undamaged nor wet or otherwise spoilt.

any possible damage to the product and/or to the respective packing or any discrepancy with the number of packages or the indications shall be immediately objected by the customer, by displaying a written reserve of check, specifying the reasons of the reserve on the document attesting the delivery by the courier. once signed the document of the courier, the customer will no longer be entitled to claim anything about the external characteristics of the delivered products.

two delivery attempts are made for both types of shipment, after which the package goes into storage. therefore, we invite the customer not to place orders if the customer is not sure to be able to personally (or through your proxy) collect the package upon its arrival or from the place of storage. when the package will be placed on storage, it will the customers duty to collect the parcel at the forwarders address indicated in the communication the customer will be receiving. upon transmission of the order, the customer is kindly requested to fill in the form indicating the telephone number and destination of the goods and possible delivery schedule. please correctly specify the shipping address and the receiver’s name (private/company), otherwise the seller will not be responsible and any other possible extra shipping costs will be at the customer’s charge. in case of the non collection of the package by the customer, unless proven falts of the forwarder, the seller Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari reserves itself the right not to deliver any orders when belonging to customers who in the past refused to collect their orders.

in case the customer needs the invoice, the customer will have to send his written request in the notes of the order or with an email to muraniaglass@gmail.com.

withdrawal and returned goods

the directives of the art. 52 of the d. lgs. 206/2005 as modified by d.lgs. 21/2014 apply to the transactions made through the ecommerce of Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari website. the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 working days from the next day after receiving the goods, without any obligation to specify the reason. It is also possible to return individual products covered by a single purchase agreement.

the right of withdrawal is exercised by sending, within the prescribed period, a written communication to the seller’s email address: muraniaglass@gmail.com

the only costs to be borne by the consumer for the application of the right of withdrawal according to art. 56, paragraph 2, of d. lgs no. 21/14, are the direct costs of returning the goods to the sender. the seller will refund the value of the purchased good within 15 working days from its receiving. the refund is effected through a cancellation procedure of the amount charged, using the same payment means used by the customer for the initial transaction. the customer will not incur in any additional cost as a result of such refund. the seller shall not be liable in any way for damage or theft or loss of returned products; any related risk shall therefore be borne exclusively by the customer. in any case of non compliance with the above conditions and methods of exercise of the withdrawal, the contract of purchase will remain valid and effective.

the seller will notify the sending customer the unduly returned products, charging the sending customer herself/himself the corresponding shipping costs. in any case, the right of withdrawal for the customer shall be forfeited in cases where the seller establishes that a) the returned product and/or its accessories and/or its packaging are not intact; b) the product is missing from its outer packaging and/or the original inner packaging; c) the product is missing elements integrating the same and/or accessories.

in the event of forfeiture of the right of withdrawal, the seller will return to the sending customer the purchased product, charging the customer shipping costs and, if already refunded, the price of the product. references for the right of withdrawal are: Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari, Dorsoduro 1859, 30123 Venice (Italy); email: muraniaglass@gmail.com

for replacements please send an email to muraniaglass@gmail.com indicating your request and attaching a copy of the original order, within 14 working days after receiving the goods.

guaranteees in the event of defective products

Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari is responsible towards the customer for a period of two (2) years after the delivery of the products, in accordance with articles 130 and 132 of the legislative decree 206/2005, for any defects and non-conformity of the products existing at the time of the delivery, especially relative to products that are defective or damaged. the everyday use of the product, its tear or any other case imputable to improper or erroneous management of the product by the user are excluded.

the customer will lose the rights recognised by article 130, paragraph 2 of legislative decree 206/2005, if he fails to report the seller the non conformity defect within two (2) months from the day the customer received the product. the customer must inform the seller by written notice through registered letter with acknowledge of receipt and will have to be accompanied by a detailed , proper and precise documentation, also in the form of photographs. Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari will make every effort to replace the damaged or defective products, at its own expense, and to provide other products of the same quality and type, available at their warehouses. only the defective or damaged products returned by the customer with their original full and complete package will be replaced. if the replacement of the product could not be possible with the same product (i.e., due to elimination of the product from the catalogue), the seller will reimburse the customer the amount paid for the defective product.

property rights

all trademarks (whether registered or not), as well as any and all intellectual property, distinctive markings, brand names, images, photographs, written texts or graphics and, more in general, any other intangible asset protected by international laws and conventions relative to intellectual and industrial property reproduced on the website, are the exclusive property of Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari and the customer will gain no right on said property due to access to the website and/or stipulation of the purchase contract. any even partial use of said property is prohibited without the advance written authorisation of Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari, to whom all of the relative rights are exclusively reserved.

communications and claims

all communications and/or claims made by customers against Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari relative to the purchase contracts, must be sent via email to muraniaglass@gmail.com

treatment of personal data and privacy

for Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari’s policy for the treatment of personal data, please refer to the privacy and cookies policies area of the website.

jurisdiction and applicable law

the customers who visit the website www.murania.it accept to be subject to the jurisdiction of the italian law. in accordance with the laws in force, any legal controversy will be referred the competent court, is the venice court italy (article 1469 bis n° 19 of the italian civil code).