privacy and cookies policies


general informations

the personal information we collect under this privacy notice is controlled by Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari with registered office in Dorsoduro 1859, 30123, Venice, Italy, vat and tax code 04709810271, pec, email, cell. 00393402294933. for any further information, exercise of rights listed in this privacy notice, please contact:; the address for registered letter by acknowledgement of receipt is Dorsoduro 1859, 30123, Venice, Italy.

the d.lgs 196/2003 and the reg. ue 2016/679 establish the rules to protect and safeguard natural persons and their personal data and this privacy notice complies with the new legislative measures. we collect and process the personal data in compliance with art.16 of tfeu.

the notice is subject to changes due to possible new regulation; therefore, the customer is invited to periodically visit the present section for updates.

this privacy notice refers only to our official website and Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari is not responsible for the management and processing of personal data from third-party through cookies and window-links present in our homepage.

according to the law, the processing of personal data complies with the principles of rightness, lawfulness, transparency, accuracy, the purpose of the processing’s limitation and data retention, minimization and data integrity, protection of user privacy and protection of personal rights.

Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari has committed to respect the principals above mentioned and would like to inform you that — with the exception of those processing operations that according to the law need your explicit consent — visiting this website, uploading or providing your personal data you agree with the terms and conditions of the present notice.

the consent of processing your personal data can be withdrawn at any time contacting the below addresses. if you are under the age of 16, your consent is legal only if authorized by the owner of your parental responsibility complying with ex art. 8 reg. ue 2016/679. the access to our on-line shop is allowed only to legal aged users. Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari could use the personal data of under-aged users to enforce potential age restrictions or any restriction required by the law.

processing of personal data

for “personal data” we refer to all information that could directly or indirectly identify the users. those information could be e.g. name, address, user name, email address, phone number or the ip address of used device, browsing preferences or information about user lifestyle, hobbies, interests and on-line shopping preferences.

for “processing of personal data” we refer to all operations performed with or without the aid of automated processes and usage with personal data as: collection, registration, organization, structuring, adjustment, amendment, removal, inspection, usage, communication through reporting, release or any other way of provision, comparison or interconnection, limitation, cancellation or destruction.

owner of data processing

the owner of data processing is the natural or legal person, the public authority, the service or other institution that alone or with others establish the purpose and ways for processing the personal data. the owner is also in charge of safety profiles. concerning the present website the owner of the processing is: Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari as above specified and for any information or exercise of your rights you can contact it with the following email address:

processing supervision

the processing supervisor is the natural or legal person, the public authority, the service or other institution processing the personal data on behalf of the owner of data processing. concerning the personal data provided by the user through the navigation in the present website, the supervisor is the owner of Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari.

modalities of data processing

in the present website, the data are collected through internet and processed with the aid of electronic means, ensuring the use of appropriate measures for the safety and privacy of processed data. your personal data will be processed by he owner of Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari.

processing location and data flow

the processing of personal data concerning website services takes place at the firm owner of the processing. the user’s personal data can be shared with the legal authority and law enforcement only when required by the law and will be used Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari for defense purposes of its rights only if strictly necessary. the collected data will not be shared with third-party, third party countries or international bodies. however, for the service required, some data will be shared with external entities required for specific tasks and appointed by our company. the processing data owner commits to protect the safety of personal data, implementing all software’s and physical measures necessary to defend the personal data provided. no safety system can totally guarantee the protection, therefore Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari will not respond for abuses committed by third-parties accessing the system without authorization.

purposes of the processing

here below some general purposes of the processing: a) to allow and manage the registration and log in to our website and to contact the user; b) to manage and finalize the purchase orders and purchase proposals; c) to perform activities connected to the services available for the users; d) to perform contract’s obligations and preliminary obligations related to legal transactions even remotely; e) to fulfill the legal obligations; f) to operate the management, administrative, accountancy and fiscal performances; g) interaction with social networks and external platforms; h) statistics; i) view of contents from external platforms. the data could be also used by Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari in order to analyze the site’s use by the user on products and services and analyze (by anonymized and aggregated form) the statistics related to browsing and site’s activities and to simplify the use and to fit it to the choices and interests of the user. the user is entitled to decide to block the communication from Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari at any time.

legal bases for data processing

the legal base for the data processing is provided by the user while filling up our forms — ex art. 6 co 1 lett. — a) the performance of a contract ex art. 6 co 1 lett. b) concerning the shipment’s data, the fulfillment of legal obligation ex art. 6 co 1 lett. c) data collected for invoicing.

website's list of main activities for data processing

1) browsing our website is permitted also to unregistered users. when browsing in this mode the user’s identification data will not be collected. however to allow the operations to run correctly there may be the collection of some internet communication protocol information (e.g. log files). moreover, through the use of cookies some user’s information, not directly provided, will be collected (privacy & cookies policy). the information are not collected for a specific task but it could allow third parties to identify the user through the processing and matching of data already in their possession.

the data processing is performed through computerized systems and for purchases also in paper form. the retention period of these documents is ended with the consent’s withdrawal previously given by the user. in case of purchases the retention period lasts 10 years from contract’s agreement for legal protection in case controversies may arise.

the purchase of products on-line is allowed to the users with legal age. clicking on the “buy” button the user is conducted to the external website for the order form and then, for the payment, to the external website owned by stripe inc. (, which manages the users’ data according to its own policy. all data submitted by users for products purchasing purposes are managed by stripe inc., while Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari will only deal with these data through and stripe inc. in order to know the users’ personal information, contact data, shipping and billing data, payment status (accepted or rejected). all data and information about users’ credit cards and other means of payment are registered by stripe inc, which is not authorised to use them for other purposes. the release of these data is optional, however the lack of information in the mandatory fields does not allow the company to process the order. the data processing aims to fulfill all tax and accounting obligations, in the event of returned goods, replacements of in general the exercise of the rights arising from the contract. the data processing for the purchases is performed by informatized systems and also in paper form. the retention period of purchases data is 10 years from the contract agreement for legal protection and in case controversies may arise.

our website uses (or might use) the cd plug-in and some social networks such as facebook, pinterest and instagram, twitter and youtube. More info on plug-ins related to the social network facebook and specifics can be found more info on pinteres plug-in and specifics can be found Instagram twitter https:// youtube https://

to prevent broadcast and registration of internet browsing data through social networks the user will have to disconnect from them before visiting our website for more info on this subject please see below.

user’s rights in accordance with reg. ue 2016/679 e il d.lgs. 196/2003

the art. 13 par. 2 of reg. ue 2016/679 and art. 7 of d.Lgs. 196/2003 enumerate the user’s rights. Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari would like to inform you about the existance of 1) the right of the person concerned to ask the owner to access his/her personal data (art. 15 reg. ue), their update (art. 7, co. 3, lett. a) d.lgs. 196/2003), the amendment (art. 16 reg. ue), the supplement (art. 7, co. 3, lett. a) d.lgs. 196/2003) or the limit to the processing concerned(art. 18 reg. ue) or to oppose the processing for legittimate reasons (art. 21 reg. ue), the right of data portability (art. 20 reg. ue); 2) the right of asking the cancellation (art. 17 reg. ue), the transformation in anonymous form or the block of data processing in case of law breach, included those where retention is unnecessary to the purpose of collecting and processing them (art. 7, co. 3, lett. B) d.lgs. 196/2003); 3) the right to obtain the certification that the updated operations, amendments, supplement , cancellation, data block and transformation are brought to the attention to the people in charge of receiving the contents communication, except in case of impossibility of the fulfillment or if the request involves a use of means clearly disproportionate respect the protected right (art. 7, co. 3, lett. C) d.lgs. 196/2003).

all requests can be sent to the processing owner or alternatively using the form provided by the european authorities of the processing of personal data which can be found on the following site:, sending a mail to:

if data processing is based on art. 6, par. 1, lett. a) — expressed consent for use — or. 9, par. 2 lett. a) — expressed consent for the use of genetic and biometric data, health conditions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership, race or ethnic origins, political opinion — the user can withdraw the consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on the consent agreed before the withdrawal.

equally in case of legislation breach, the user can submit a claim to the european authorities of the processing of personal data, the appointed authority for checking the data processing in italy. the form to present the claim is here available:

for a complete description of your rights please see artt. 15 e ss. of reg. ue 2016/679 and art. 7 of d.lgs. 196/2003.

For the exercise of one or more above mentioned rights please contact us at

cookies policy

the privacy notice is an integral part of the cookies policy, included the user’s right that can be exercised contacting the addresses mentioned in the notice. pursuant art. 13 and 122 of d.lgs. 196/2003 (“code for protection of personal data”) with applicable legislation from “european authorities of the processing of personal data” by resolution dated 8.05.2014 identification of simplified procedures for the notice and consent for cookies use — published in the official journal of the european community n. 126 dated 3.06.2014 — and in respect of all further clarification in the present notice Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari gives its cookies policy.

the cookies policy aims to provide the user all info concerning art. 13 of c.d. privacy code and to describe in a specific and analytic way the features and purposes of cookies installed in the website, with the possibility for the user to select/deselect the single cookie.

cookies are a packet of data sent by an internet server to a browser (usually google chrome, internet explorer, mozilla firefox etc.), which is returned by the browser each time it subsequently accesses the same server, used to identify the user or track their access to the server.

through cookies the website recognizes the user’s device and therefore the browsing experience is improve. the different purposes of cookies is to allow the user to browse with efficiency through the website, memorizing preferences, language used etc. the cookies guarantee that the advertising content online are more in line with the user’s interests.

when accepting the cookies, most browsers are programmed to be accepted cookies automatically. by modifying the browser’s settings cookies can be limited or blocked. to manage the cookies use the user’s manual or indication provided by your browser following the links below (related to the most common browsers): explorer: safari: chrome: firefox:

if the user is using more browsers, the procedure has to be performer for each one of them. if the user has several devices (such as smart phones or tablets), to uninstall cookies please refer to the user’s manual of each device. it is important to mention that when choosing to block the cookies this could affect or prevent the correct operation of the website as some cookies are necessary for browsing.

cookies are classified in different categories: related to duration, the cookie could be of “session” (automatically erased by closing the browser) or “persistent” (active till the expiry date or cancellation by the user); related to source, the cookie could be of “first part” (sent to the browser directly by the website visited) or “third part” (sent to the browser from other sites and not by the visited sites). the technical cookie is the one related to browsing, indispensible, for the performance, for the operation and safety; is also considered “technical” the functionality cookie, preferences, localization, session status and also statistic-analytic of first or third parties with ip masking without data combination. for the installation of “technical” cookies the user’s consent is not required. the profiling cookie is statistic-analytic of third parties without ip masking without data combination, also is a “profiling” coking the advertisement cookie, tracking or conversions. the installation of non technical cookies is performed prior to user’s consent.

the cookies present in the website are technical cookies. the present website uses technical cookies, without their use some operation could be difficult or impossible to perform. the technical cookies do not need the consent of the user to be installed and could be of first or third parties of session as permanent. the technical cookies are strictly necessary and allow the efficient browsing and to use the essential features on the websiteb. by blocking these cookies the user’s browsing experience could be affected and some essential services could be not provided. the present website uses technical c.d. of functionality that improve the browsing experience memorizing the user’s preferences, such as language used, the name, the location. moreover these cookies can be used to provide services, through live chat sessions or avoid to the user to receive services that previously refused. by blocking these cookies the browsing experience will not be compromised however the user will not be able to use some services offered.

the present website could have installed some technical cookies to memorize the consent. we suggest not to block these cookies that allow the website owner to record the consent given by the user.

he present website uses third parties cookies technical and profiling, some sessions are permanent. the technical analytic cookies from third parties installed in the present website allow to collect information on the interaction with the site from the users, analyzing the number of pages visited, the time on the website, the pages of interest or other info from the browsing, eventual errors from the visited page. these cookies allow the website owner to get statistic data concerning the browsing and could improve the services provided to the user. the “analytic technical” cookies used in the present website do not result in the personal data processing (such as user’s name and surname or ip address) as the data are collected in an aggregate form for statistic purposes only and the website owner has appropriate tools to reduce the identification power of analytic cookies used (through masking a significant part of the ip address).

profiling cookies from third parties are activated only by prior consent of the user. the release of the consent is performer by clicking “OK” in the homepage banner or on other pages of the same website. the profiling cookies are used to improve the services offered and to select and send appropriate advertisement in line with the preferences and interests of the user while browsing. profiling cookies use to send advertisements does not affect the visualization of more adverts and will not affect browsing. erasing the profiling cookies will result in generic adverts therefore not in line with the preferences and interests of the user expressed through the browsing.

the third parties cookies used in the present website are not directly controller by the website’s owner and therefore to deactivate them or more information the user has to follow the following procedures: 1) by clicking the user will receive more information concerning the behavioral advertising and more info on third parties cookies, promotional cookies, targeting cookies filed in our terminal. The user can deactivate all or some of them by clicking on the following link:, or 2) here below will be listed the third parties cookies present in our website. to manage or deactivate these cookies please access the information and consent form of the third parties clicking on the link below. our website uses google analytics to install the technical cookies and technical analytic cookies on the user’s terminal. the data generated by google analytics are kept in the terms indicated in the following link: google inc. privacy notice is available at: the user can deactivate google analytics installing on his/her browser the opt-out component provided by: by blocking this cookie the browsing experience will not be compromised.

on the website pages are present social network icons and widgets to ease the interaction with the social platforms and content sharing directly on the pages of this website. in particular on this website’s pages are present (or will be present) sharing icons for facebook, pinterest, instagram, twitter and youtube to improve the user’s browsing experience through content sharing in the sSocial networks.

the management of all collected information from third parties is regulated by their related notices and it is necessary to consult them for any further information. the processing owner is not responsible on the operation cookies/plug-in on the website performed by third parties. for convenience and correctness here below the notices and purposes for the cookies/plug-in management:

facebook privacy and cookie notice: e

instagram privacy and cookie notice: e to deactivate the profiling cookies in facebook and instagram, the user can click on the following link: cookie/323992957657211/

pinterest privacy and cookie notice:: and

to deactivate the profiling cookies in pinterest, the user can click on the following link:

twitter privacy notice:

to deactivate the profiling cookies in twitter, the user can click on the following link:: https://

youtube privacy and cookie notices:

to deactivate the profiling cookies in youtube, the user can click on the following link:

to set the privacy on your account: facebook: access to your account. go to the privacy section, or follow the instruction on the web; pinterest: access to your account. go to the settings section — customize. or follow the instruction on the web;

instagram: helpref=hc_fnav&bc[0]=368390626577968&bc[1]=1757120787856285



the present website uses the order form through the website and the payment services provided by stripe inc. for the installation of cookies by stripe (, please refer to their policies.

the present website does not directly use profiling cookies for the advertising targeting which aims to send the user advertising in line with preferences and interests expressed while browsing. for more info or to deactivate cookies, installed by third parties the user can click on the following addresses: concerning profiling cookies by − concerning profiling cookies by

blocking all third parties mentioned above does not compromise the browsing experience but could lower the quality of the services offered by the website. for more information even concerning the disabling of profiling cookies from third parties sent to the user’s browser while browsing on the present website please consult: http:// or contact
by sending a registered letter with return receipt to Murania di Gian Paolo Chiari, Dorsoduro 1859, 30123, Venice, Italy.